Headline News Archive



  • Single agency may regulate banking. Senior administration officials are considering the creation of a single agency to regulate the banking industry, replacing a patchwork of agencies that failed to prevent
  • Auto insurers going to the dogs. Saikou and Kozette are as safe as dogs can be when they go for car rides. The border collie and boxer are always strapped in
  • Face-lift for foreclosure prevention. The Obama administration is attempting to revive a stalled government foreclosure prevention program that could restore equity to hundreds of thousands of borrowers whose home
  • France's largess shields many. MENTON, France - In recent years, Jean Beaufranqui and his wife have spent most of their time in Menton, enjoying the sunshine and gentle Mediterranean
  • Obama wants gas mileage at 35 mpg. Environmental lobbyists scored a big victory on fuel economy rules. President Obama is expected to announce tomorrow that he will boost the nation’s average
  • A doctors' database for patients. Unless you've had heart trouble in Schenectady, N.Y., you've probably never heard of cardiologist Steven Weitz. But he has made a difference in this
  • Reforma de salud a paso redoblado. La Cámara de Representantes debatirá una reforma al sistema de salud estadounidense antes de agosto, declaró ayer la titular de ese órgano legislativo, Nancy
  • Plan conjunto para la salud. El presidente Barack Obama dijo que la promesa de la industria de la salud de reducir sus costos en dos billones de dólares durante
  • Adressing the 'too big to fail' problem. A good clue that a phenomenon has penetrated the public's consciousness is when it gets referred to by shorthand, like "DVD," or "Brangelina." The latest
  • Health groups vow to control costs. Volunteering to "do our part" to tackle runaway health costs, leading groups in the health-care industry have offered to squeeze $2 trillion in savings from projected
  • U.S. carbuyers showing European ways. Tighter credit, depleted retirement savings and environmental concerns are among the forces reshaping the U.S. auto market into something that looks more like Europe


  • Foreclosure prevention expanded to 2nd mortgages. The Obama administration unveiled an expansion of its $75 billion foreclosure prevention plan yesterday, providing new subsidies to mortgage lenders and investors. Under the expanded plan,
  • Planes médicos peligrosos. Una investigación de Consumer Reports ha descubierto que muchas personas que creen tener seguro médico adecuado en realidad tienen la cobertura plagada de
  • When medical bills outpace your means. Medical bills have a way of piling up — especially when you’re sick or underinsured. Just ask Kirk Kupka, 48, and his wife, Susie, 53. Mr. Kupka
  • Choosing alternatives to layoffs. The women and men, gently prodded by a facilitator, opened up about their daily inspirational practices: "Every morning and every night I create a feeling
  • Insurance premiums rise. Home, car and life insurance prices are climbing as insurers grapple with lower investment returns and profits. The cost of a typical auto insurance policy
  • When financial ruin is a step away. El Segundo resident Kathy Caliup can't say for sure when it all started slipping from her grasp - the credit card bills, the car payments,

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