


  • Need a better mortgage? Call Uncle Sam. On Capitol Hill this week, lawmakers are set to continue to grapple with the best response to the rising tide of home foreclosures. But the Bush administration says it has a solution in place: A
  • ¡Me robaron la identidad!. ¿Cómo le robaron su información? ¡Es difícil saberlo! Hoy día, los delincuentes usan diversos métodos. Estos son algunos de los más frecuentes: Vigilan a las personas cuando escriben un
  • Reclamos por los tornados. Los tornados ocurridos en Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri y algunas zonas del estado de Georgia recientemente, son un recordatorio de lo destructivos y mortales que pueden ser estos fenómenos climáticos que afectan a gran
  • Mamá soltera y sus finanzas. No hay dudas que el Día de las Madres es una hermosa celebración. Pero, hablemos claro, para la mujer que tiene hijos, todos los días es Día de las Madres... aunque
  • Muni bonds: Uninsured doesn't mean unsafe. Now you know. You've been wasting your money by buying insured municipal bonds. The bonds themselves are fine. In fact, muni yields are practically irresistible today, for taxable accounts. The wasteful part is the insurance.
  • Compare candidate health care plans. WASHINGTON -- If John McCain becomes president, Americans would be steered toward buying individual health insurance policies, and job-related coverage eventually could decline. If Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton wins, more people would get
  • Paying online can weave web of problems. My friends tell me it's quick and painless. They say doing it makes life feel so much easier. They also swear that once you start, you won't be able to live without it. It sounds
  • Nueva ley contra discriminación. Las compañías no podrían usar información genética para tomar decisiones sobre empleo o seguros, de acuerdo con un proyecto de ley aprobado casi por unanimidad por el Congreso y que ahora
  • Not all credit scores created equal. AS THE DIRECTOR of finance at a Spring Hill, Fla.-based Chrysler dealership, Marvin Hedrick has had his fair share of skeptical (and unhappy) clients, especially when he has to turn someone down for an


  • ¿Vale la pena comprar seguro de viaje?. Cada vez más viajeros en Estados Unidos compran algún tipo de seguro de viaje, motivados por inconvenientes en la industria de las aerolíneas y otros factores, con los que se sienten má
  • Debt may be a factor in suspicious fires. Some folks celebrate their last home mortgage payment by setting fire to their loan agreement. Lately, some people behind on their mortgages are simply setting fire to their homes. In what appears to be the
  • Co-payments for expensive drugs go way up. Health insurance companies are rapidly adopting a new pricing system for very expensive drugs, asking patients to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars for prescriptions for medications that may save their lives or slow
  • Health care businesses take off at airports. Reluctant to deal with the hassles of airport security, sales executive Michael D'Souza generally packs the syringes he needs for his daily medication in a bag that he checks when he travels. The strategy backfired
  • El seguro gap de automóvil. Si creías que pagando el seguro normal de tu auto estabas cubierto de la “A” a la “Z” respecto a cualquier problema en la carretera, te equivocas, pues en esa cobertura queda un gran


  • The year of budgeting magically. Financial counselors often tell their clients to prepare monthly budgets rather than yearly ones, on the theory that it is easier to predict expenses over a short period. But a paper recently published in The
  • No sure bets in personal data security. When a Maryland dental HMO acknowledged this week that it had accidentally posted the names, addresses and Social Security numbers of 75,000 members on its Web site, the revelation made news. But the security breach at
  • Genetic testing gets personal. In January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, movers and shakers lined up to spit into test tubes -- the first step to having snippets of their DNA analyzed by 23andMe, a personalized
  • Finding your own health care insurance. Health care insurance is key to a family's financial security, perhaps second only to a paycheck. For the vast majority of workers, medical coverage comes through an employer. But more employers, particularly smaller ones, say

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