


  • Individual health policies leave many behind. Soon after a pediatrician noted in his medical records that 5-year-old Logan Swaim was short for his age, his mother, Theresa, tried to buy health insurance. Her husband, William, had started his own landscaping business
  • Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance. An alliance of insurance companies and environmentalists wants to bring a new kind of mileage-based auto insurance to California and charge motorists only for the number of miles actually driven. Called pay as you drive,
  • Doctors press Senate to undo Medicare cuts. Congress returns to work this week with Medicare high on the agenda and Senate Republicans under pressure after a barrage of radio and television advertisements blamed them for a 10.6 percent cut in payments to doctors


  • Keep watch on your credit report—free. If you're thinking about buying a home or refinancing a mortgage, you may want to avail yourself of a forthcoming free service that could help you get a better mortgage rate. Under the terms of
  • Beware, your credit score may have fallen. Just as Americans grow more reliant on credit cards to help pay monthly bills, they're being hit with a one-two punch: Card companies are reducing borrowing limits for tens of thousands of consumers, which then
  • Grads caught in health plan limbo get creative. This year, 1.4 million graduates are tossing their mortarboard caps into the sky and receiving bachelor's degrees. Almost immediately, many will face another rite of passage: getting dropped from their parents' health insurance. Most group health
  • Prescriptions for change in health care. From Capitol Hill to K Street, Washington is gearing up for another run at health-care reform. The Congressional Budget Office has nearly doubled its health policy team, hiring 21 people in the past year. The Brookings
  • Starting your first job?. To the hundreds of thousands of young people who have landed entry-level jobs that come with health insurance and a retirement plan, I offer my congratulations. Things are tough out there right now, so you
  • Steps to take for surviving job loss. Unemployment can strike anywhere, any time. And as we see right now, it's striking more often. The national unemployment rate in May had its biggest one-month jump in more than 20 years, rising a half-point to 5.5
  • Health credit cards add insult to injury. High-interest credit-card debt is even hurting consumers where they go to get rid of the pain: The hospital, doctor's office and dentist's chair. Lenders like Citigroup, Chase, Capital One and General Electric's financial services unit,
  • Urge educación financiera. La crisis inmobiliaria ha puesto de manifiesto la urgencia de promover la educación financiera entre la comunidad hispana y el tema de cómo proveer y ampliar esa educación se discutió en una
  • Getting help with health insurance problems. Every week, I get at least a dozen queries about health insurance from readers like these: "Dear Lisa, "My husband is scheduled for a colonoscopy . . . . We told the doctor he wants to be put under
  • Latinos no llegan a fin de mes. El 28 por ciento de los latinos, cerca de 6,6 millones de personas, admite llegar con dificultad a final de mes, lo que les lleva a aplazar algunos pagos mensuales y considerar la opción de la
  • Direcciones de internet más peligrosas. Las empresas que asignan dominios en la inscripción de direcciones en la internet están reduciendo las medidas de seguridad cuando asignan nombre en ciertos dominios más que en otros, según un
  • Protege tus documentos más preciados. Seguro que tienes algún amigo o has escuchado de alguien que perdió con el huracán sus fotos más queridas, documentos, listas de teléfonos, datos financieros, pólizas de seguros y tantos
  • Tu plan familiar para desastres. La temporada de huracanas ya comenzó y es el momento de defininir un plan sencillo de lo que debes hacer tú y tu familia en caso de impacto de un huracán u otro desastre


  • No más recortes del Fed. Muchas veces el Banco de Reserva Federal es ambiguo en lo que se refiere al rumbo de la economía, pro ahora las cosas no pueden ser más claras. Funcionarios del Fed han anunciado
  • Cómo traspasar un crédito. Ser "cofirmante" te obliga A veces resulta difícil decir “no” cuando nos piden ser cofirmantes, sobre todo si se trata de un familiar o un amigo cercano. Pero ten en cuenta que si por
  • 'Delay insurance' saves traveler hassles. Summer travelers worried about getting stranded at an airport because of storms, missed connections and canceled flights have new ways to protect themselves -- for a fee. After last summer's many travel hassles, travel-insurance companies
  • Improve your credit report. Some experts say that you should close old credit cards that you're not using very often. That can be a good idea if you're tempted to max out your credit cards. However, John Ulzheimer, president

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