Consumer Action Publications

Consumer Action creates unbiased, reader-friendly educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. All publications are available in English, and many are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean as well.

In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our publications are distributed through a national network of more than 6,000 community-based organizations. Government agencies, nonprofits and other groups who wish to distribute our materials for educational purposes can use the downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.



Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Vietnamese) Cover

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Vietnamese).

Chọn lầm bảo hiểm sức khỏe có thể đưa đến hậu quả không được bảo hiểm đầy đủ và tiền tự trả cao, vì thế điều quan trọng quý vị cần biết cách chọn bảo hiểm nào tốt nhất, tiến trình gia nhập, và thủ tục ghi danh cũng như duy trì việc có bảo hiểm ra sao.

Choosing the wrong health insurance plan can result in inadequate coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs, so it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. This publication explains how employer-sponsored health insurance works, how to approach the selection process, and what to know about enrolling and maintaining coverage.

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Korean) Cover

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Korean).

고용주가 후원하는 건강 보험이나 메디케어가 없는 경우 보험 옵션을 찾는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 이 안내서는 개별 ( “그룹”이 아닌) 건강 보험의 다양한 출처 (ACA 건강보험시장에 대한 자세한 정보 포함), 보험 가입 방법 및 소득이 매우 적거나 특정 프로그램 수혜 자격이 없을 경우의 건강 보험 옵션에 대해 설명하고 있습니다.

If you don’t have employer-sponsored health insurance or Medicare, figuring out your coverage options can be daunting. This publication explains the various sources of individual (not “group”) health insurance (including detailed information about the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace), how to purchase coverage, and what your options for health care are if you have very low income or are ineligible for certain programs.

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Chinese) Cover

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance (Chinese).

如果你沒有僱主贊助的健康保險或是Medicare聯邦醫療保險,你需要考慮選購其他醫保,如何選擇醫保將會是你面對的一大難題。 這本刊物專門介紹各種個人(而非“團體”)的健康保險資源(包括ACA可負擔健保銷售市場的各種資訊詳情),以及如何購買健康保險。而如果你是低收入者或不符合條件申請某些特定的健保計劃時,你還能獲得何種健保選項。

If you don’t have employer-sponsored health insurance or Medicare, figuring out your coverage options can be daunting. This publication explains the various sources of individual (not “group”) health insurance (including detailed information about the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace), how to purchase coverage, and what your options for health care are if you have very low income or are ineligible for certain programs.


Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Korean) Cover

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Korean).

부적합한 건강 보험 플랜을 선택하면 보험 혜택이 충분하지 않고 본인 부담 비용이 높아질 수 있으므로 최선의 선택을 하는 방법을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. 이 안내서는 고용주 후원 건강 보험의 운영 방식, 선택 과정을 처리하는 방법 및 보험 가입과 유지 관리에 대해 알아야 할 사항을 설명합니다.

Choosing the wrong health insurance plan can result in inadequate coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs, so it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. This publication explains how employer-sponsored health insurance works, how to approach the selection process, and what to know about enrolling and maintaining coverage.

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Chinese) Cover

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan (Chinese).


Choosing the wrong health insurance plan can result in inadequate coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs, so it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. This publication explains how employer-sponsored health insurance works, how to approach the selection process, and what to know about enrolling and maintaining coverage.



Health Insurance Evaluation Cover

Health Insurance Evaluation. Use this form to get feedback from participants after your health insurance presentation.

Medicare True-or-False Cover

Medicare True-or-False. Class exercise for “Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare.”

Test Your Knowledge Cover

Test Your Knowledge. Class exercise for “Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance.”

What Would You Advise? Cover

What Would You Advise?. Class exercise for “Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan."

Medicare - PowerPoint training slides Cover

Medicare - PowerPoint training slides. This downloadable PowerPoint presentation, for use by consumer educators, provides a visual component to the "Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare" fact sheet that helps to engage learners and improve retention.


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