Consumer Action Publications

Consumer Action creates unbiased, reader-friendly educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. All publications are available in English, and many are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean as well.

In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our publications are distributed through a national network of more than 6,000 community-based organizations. Government agencies, nonprofits and other groups who wish to distribute our materials for educational purposes can use the downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.



Insuring Yourself in the ‘Sharing Economy’ - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities Cover

Insuring Yourself in the ‘Sharing Economy’ - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities.

This downloadable packet guides community educators through a two-hour presentation on the insurance needs of consumers who participate in the sharing economy. In addition to the lesson plan (to be used in conjunction with the downloadable PowerPoint presentation), the packet includes exercises, resources and a class evaluation form.

Questions and Answers about Insurance in the ‘Sharing Economy’ Cover

Questions and Answers about Insurance in the ‘Sharing Economy’.

Written in Q&A format, this eight-page backgrounder expounds on the topics covered in the “Insuring Yourself in the ‘Sharing Economy‘” guide.


Get a car loan (Chinese) Cover

Get a car loan (Chinese) That’s in your best interest.


If you are seeking financing for a new or used car, you could have many options even if you have a poor financial history. However, late payments and other credit problems signal lenders that you are a risky customer, which will increase the interest rate on the loans available to you. There are differences between lenders—so shop around to find the best deal.

Get a car loan (Korean) Cover

Get a car loan (Korean) That's in your best interest.

새차 혹은 중고차 구매를 위한 융자가 필요하신 경우 여러분에게 부정적인 금융 거래 기록이 있다 할지라도 여러종류의 선택사항이 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 상환 지연이나 그 외의 다른 신용 문제들은 융자업체들에게 여러분이 받을 융자의 이자율을 높여야 하는 위험한 고객이라는 신호가 될것입니다. 융자업체들 중에서도 차이가 있으므로 가장 좋은 거래를 찾을 수 있도록 여러 곳에 문의해 보십시오.

If you are seeking financing for a new or used car, you could have many options even if you have a poor financial history. However, late payments and other credit problems signal lenders that you are a risky customer, which will increase the interest rate on the loans available to you. There are differences between lenders—so shop around to find the best deal.

Insuring Yourself in the ‘Sharing Economy’ Cover

Insuring Yourself in the ‘Sharing Economy’.

The “sharing economy” can offer you new ways to earn, but, as with any business or self-employment venture, there are insurance issues to consider. This publication explains the potential risks associated with each type of “sharing,” what protection is typically available from the “platforms” that connect users, how your personal insurance may fall short, what your options are for full protection, and where to get more information.

Get a Car Loan (Vietnamese) Cover

Get a Car Loan (Vietnamese) That’s in your best interest.

Nếu quý vị đang tính mượn tiền mua một chiếc xe hơi cũ hay mới, có nhiều cách để mượn tiền cho dù tình trạng tài chánh trong quá khứ của quý vị xấu. Tuy nhiên, trễ nãi trả nợ hàng tháng và có vấn đề khác về tín dụng là dấu hiệu để công ty cho vay nghĩ quý vị là một khách hàng thiếu uy tín, khiến lãi xuất mượn tiền của quý vị có thể tăng. Có nhiều công ty cho vay, vì thế, trước khi mượn tiền, quý vị nên đọ giá.

If you are seeking financing for a new or used car, you have many options for financing even if you have a poor financial history. However, late payments and other credit problems signal lenders that you are a risky customer, which will increase the interest rates on loans available to you.


California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Japanese) Cover

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Japanese).

カリフォルニア州は、必要な所得条件を満たす優良ド ライバーが手頃な価格で自動車損害賠償責任保険に加入できるようこの制度を設置しました。この保険契約 はカリフォルニア州で営業資格を有する保険会社によっ て発行されます。カリフォルニア州法は、カリフォ ルニア州低価格自動車保険契約が賠償資力責任法を満 たすことを規定しています。

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Armenian) Cover

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Armenian).

The State of California has developed this program to provide income eligible, good drivers with access to affordable automobile liability insurance. The policies are issued by California licensed insurance companies. California state law provides that a California Low Cost Automobile Insurance policy satisfies financial responsibility laws.

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Russian) Cover

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Russian).

Программа, разработанная штатом Калифорния, позволяет ответственным водителям с уровнем дохода, соответствующим условиям программы, застраховать автогражданскую ответственность по доступной цене. Полисы выдаются страховыми компаниями, лицензированными в штате Калифорния. В соответствии сзаконодательством штата полис экономичного автострахования штата Калифорния отвечает законодательным нормам финансовой ответственности.

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Hmong) Cover

California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (Hmong).

Lub Xeev Kalifonias tau tsim txoj kev pabcuam fajseeb rau tsheb uas pheejyig no los rau cov tibneeg uas tsav tsheb zoo thiab khwv tau nyiaj los tsawg. Cov kev fajseeb (policies) no yog muag los ntawm cov koomhaum uas muaj laixees muag fajseeb tsheb nyob rau hauv Kalifonias. Lub xeev Kalifonias txoj kevcai hais tias ib Qhov Fajseeb Rau Tsheb hauv Kalifonias Uas Pheejyig xwb los yeej siv tau raws li txoj kevcai lawm.


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