Consumer Action Publications

Consumer Action creates unbiased, reader-friendly educational guides on a wide range of personal finance topics and other subjects of interest to consumers. All publications are available in English, and many are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean as well.

In addition to being available, at no charge, to individual consumers, our publications are distributed through a national network of more than 6,000 community-based organizations. Government agencies, nonprofits and other groups who wish to distribute our materials for educational purposes can use the downloadable PDF file on the publication webpage to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.



Individual health insurance - PowerPoint training slides Cover

Individual health insurance - PowerPoint training slides. This downloadable PowerPoint presentation, for use by consumer educators, provides a visual component to the "Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance" fact sheet that helps to engage learners and improve retention.

Employer-sponsored health plans - PowerPoint training slides Cover

Employer-sponsored health plans - PowerPoint training slides. This downloadable PowerPoint presentation, for use by consumer educators, provides a visual component to the "Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan" fact sheet that helps to engage learners and improve retention.

Questions and answers about individual, group and government health insurance options Cover

Questions and answers about individual, group and government health insurance options. This backgrounder, written in Q&A format, helps answer many questions consumers may have about their health insurance options that are not covered in the three fact sheets (on individual health plans and government programs, employer-sponsored health plans, and Medicare).

Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare Cover

Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare. Medicare is not a one-size-fits-all program—the choices you make affect your coverage and costs. This publication explains when and how to enroll in Medicare, what each of the “Parts” of the program cover, what to consider when making your coverage choices and where to find more information.

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan Cover

Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan.

Choosing the wrong health insurance plan can result in inadequate coverage and higher out-of-pocket costs, so it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. This publication explains how employer-sponsored health insurance works, how to approach the selection process, and what to know about enrolling and maintaining coverage.

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance Cover

Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance. If you don’t have employer-sponsored health insurance or Medicare, figuring out your coverage options can be daunting. This publication explains the various sources of individual (not “group”) health insurance (including detailed information about the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace), how to purchase coverage, and what your options for health care are if you have very low income or are ineligible for certain programs.


Tax basics for earners in the ‘sharing economy’ (Vietnamese) Cover

Tax basics for earners in the ‘sharing economy’ (Vietnamese).

Kinh tế trao đổi có thể giúp quý vị tăng thêm thâu nhập khi rảnh rỗi, hay nó có thể là nguồn thâu nhập chính của quý vị. Kiểu gì đi chăng nữa, mức thâu nhập sẽ ảnh hưởng đến vụ thuế của quý vị. Ấn bản này không cố vấn về thuế, nó chỉ giúp quý vị hiểu cách báo cáo thâu nhập và chi phí của quý vị cho chính xác, vì sao quý vị cần tận dụng tất cả các chi phí được khấu trừ thuế quý vị được quyền hưởng, cách tránh bị thất vọng bất ngờ khi khai thuế, và tìm nguồn hướng dẫn và trợ giúp ở đâu.

The sharing economy might enable you to put a little extra cash in your pockets in your spare time, or it could be your primary source of income. Either way, earning money will have an impact on your tax situation. This publication, while not tax advice, will help you understand how to report your income and expenses accurately, why you should take advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to, how to avoid an unpleasant surprise when you file your tax return, and where to get more information and assistance.

Tax basics for earners in the ‘sharing economy’ (Chinese) Cover

Tax basics for earners in the ‘sharing economy’ (Chinese).


The sharing economy might enable you to put a little extra cash in your pockets in your spare time, or it could be your primary source of income. Either way, earning money will have an impact on your tax situation. This publication, while not tax advice, will help you understand how to report your income and expenses accurately, why you should take advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to, how to avoid an unpleasant surprise when you file your tax return, and where to get more information and assistance.

Tax Basics for Earners in the ‘Sharing Economy’ (Spanish) Cover

Tax Basics for Earners in the ‘Sharing Economy’ (Spanish).

La economía colaborativa podría permitirle poner un poco de dinero extra en su bolsillo en su tiempo libre, o podría ser su ingreso principal. De cualquier manera, el ganar dinero adicional tendrá un impacto en su situación fiscal. Esta publicación, aunque no representa asesoría fiscal, le ayudará a entender cómo reportar sus ingresos y gastos, por qué debe aprovechar todas las deducciones a las que tiene derecho, cómo evitar una desagradable sorpresa cuando presente su declaración de impuestos, y dónde conseguir más información y ayuda.

Tax Basics for Earners in the ‘Sharing Economy’ Cover

Tax Basics for Earners in the ‘Sharing Economy’.

The sharing economy might enable you to put a little extra cash in your pockets in your spare time, or it could be your primary source of income. Either way, earning money will have an impact on your tax situation. This publication, while not tax advice, will help you understand how to report your income and expenses accurately, why you should take advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to, how to avoid an unpleasant surprise when you file your tax return, and where to get more information and assistance.


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