Published: September 2015

Congress must keep health markets competitive

As detailed in the letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the proposed mergers between Anthem and Cigna and Aetna and Humana will reduce the number of major health insurers from five to three and will pose the threat of substantial harm to millions of consumers. Consumer Action joins advocates in urging the Subcommittee to investigate the mergers and the impact consolidation will have on the healthcare market.

Concerned consumer groups and unions wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee to express their serious concerns with the proposed consolidation in the health insurance market. This consolidation is happening in a market where over 72% of all health insurance markets are already highly concentrated. In light of proposed mergers between major health insurers, gains in healthcare innovation could be reversed.

Lead Organization

Consumer Federation of America (CFA)

Other Organizations

Consumer Federation of America | U.S. Public Interest Research Group | Alliance for a Just Society | Consumer Action | CT Citizen Action Group | DC-37 | Main Street Alliance | Sergeants Benevolent Association | Virginia Rural Health Association

More Information

For more information, please visit CFA's website.

Download PDF

Congress must keep health markets competitive   (LettertoSenateHealthcareMerger.pdf)




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